Week One Photojournalism Post
Hi, I'm Brenda. I'm a writer and photographer who specializes in travel writing and photography. I have a passion for travel because I really love to experience new places, new cultures, and see the world through new lenses. I've travelled to 26 countries, and a few years ago, I took a year off and backpacked through Southeast Asia and Europe - it was amazing! When I'm not traveling, I love to be outdoors in my home state of Oregon. I enjoy hiking, kayaking and attending the numerous events that take place all year long across the state. I'm also a part-time journalism student at LBCC. I decided to study journalism because I want to improve my writing and photography skills. I'm a proponent for life-long learning and I hope to continuing improving my writing and photography and learning new skills for a long time to come. My goals for photojournalism this term are to: Learn to take better photos of people in everyday life. Learn to tell a story through my phot...