Profile: Subbappa Ribeiro
“Coming to the United States was hard. It shocked me,” said Subbappa Ribeiro, a yoga instructor at LBCC. “Before coming here I lived an isolated spiritual life. I think even if I had gone to a big city in India I would have been shocked.” Subbappa Ribeiro in his studio at LBCC Ribeiro is from Mysore, Kanataka in the southern part of India. He started practicing yoga in high school at age 16 and got serious about it a few years later when he met his teacher, B.K.S. Iyengar . He soon began dedicating more time to his yoga practice and moved into his teacher’s ashram where he spent 10 years of his life. “I started out working as the head of the kitchen. I ordered the groceries and things like that,” Ribeiro explains. “Then I started assisting my teacher [Iyengar] doing things like cleaning the studio. But this was just a couple hours a day.” “During my free time I studied, worked on my yoga practice and attended spiritual gatherings. I was searching for truth. I was learnin...